Quick Tutorial
Create a new Application Project. Project->New Project->Application->OK.Add a TListbox and a TButton in the form.
Switch to source (F12). Add windows in the uses clause.
uses ..., windows, ...;
Add the following function below implementation and {$R *.lfm} line:
function EnumWindowsProc(WHandle: HWND; LParM: LParam): LongBool;StdCall;Export; var Title,ClassName:array[0..128] of char; sTitle,sClass,Linia:STRING ; begin Result:=True; GetWindowText(wHandle, Title,128); GetClassName(wHandle, ClassName,128); sTitle:=Title; sClass:=ClassName; if IsWindowVisible(wHandle) then begin Linia:=sTitle+' '+sClass+' '+IntToHex(wHandle,4); Form1.ListBox1.Items.Add(Linia); end; end;
This is the function which will help us to list all the windows. Add its declaration before the implementation line:
function EnumWindowsProc(WHandle: HWND; LParM: LParam): LongBool;StdCall;Export;
Double click the button and write:
begin ListBox1.Clear; EnumWindows(@EnumWindowsProc,0); end;
Do additional changes to beautify your form.
Run It
Press F9 or Run->Run. The program will compile and run. Click the button. You will see a bunch of programs' titles that are currently running. Click the button again to get an updated list. (You may also implement a timer.)Concept
The above code depends on windows unit, which is not cross-platform. It is strictly based on the Windows API. Our primary procedure is EnumWindows. If we have EnumWindows, why do we have another function? Because it does not return any values. It takes a function's name/pointer through which the output is sent to our program. The syntax is:BOOL EnumWindows( WNDENUMPROC lpEnumFunc, // pointer to callback function LPARAM lParam // application-defined value );
A enumeration function should be given, which will, well, enumerate. In our case all windows' titles.
Download source zip
You can download the sample source code from here: http://db.tt/Sa19lv4uOr here: http://bit.ly/XzHRed
Size: 519KB