Searching is one of the tasks of programing that reduces so much of our work and hardship. Today we see a very simple string search sample code...
For second variation/update of this program see this article.
Text search is very easy through a function named PosEx from the strutils unit. The function is given a substring (which part we want to search) and a string (which is the whole text in which we search).
There are many syntax. We would need this syntax:
You can test this function with a code like this:
Ret would return 14, as the text 'pet' is found on 14th position of the given string.
Create a TMemo, a TEdit, and a TButton. Select the memo and set its Scrollbars to ssAutoVertical.
Add strutils to the uses clause:
Double click the button and write the following code:
Or here:
Size: 636 KB
The zip file contains the executable EXE file.
For second variation/update of this program see this article.
Text search is very easy through a function named PosEx from the strutils unit. The function is given a substring (which part we want to search) and a string (which is the whole text in which we search).
There are many syntax. We would need this syntax:
function PosEx( const SubStr: ; const S: ):Integer;
You can test this function with a code like this:
Ret = PosEx('pet', 'I have a big pet dinosaur');
Ret would return 14, as the text 'pet' is found on 14th position of the given string.
Quick Tutorial
Create a new Application Project. Project->New Project->Application->OK.Create a TMemo, a TEdit, and a TButton. Select the memo and set its Scrollbars to ssAutoVertical.
Add strutils to the uses clause:
uses ..., strutils;
Double click the button and write the following code:
var findpos: integer; begin // find the occurance of the text findpos := PosEx(Edit1.Text, Memo1.Text); // we start our selection Memo1.SelStart := findpos - 1; // we set the length of our selection Memo1.SelLength := Length(Edit1.Text); // we set focus to memo to show the selection to // the user Memo1.SetFocus; end;
Memo1.SelStart := findpos - 1;
SelStart is 0-based (starts from 0). PosEx on the other hand is 1-based (starts from 1). So findpos is 1-based. We -1 from findpos to make it zero-based, for SelStart.
Run It
Go to Run->Run. Write something in the memo and then write something in the editbox then click the button.
Download sample source zip
Download sample source code zip from here: here:
Size: 636 KB
The zip file contains the executable EXE file.